Monday, September 12, 2005

bug her attack...

To all husbands and wives (maybe applicable to boyfriends, girlfriends as well, especially live-ins), I would sincerely like to ask: Husbands, do you at times get this overwhelming, compelling feeling to bug your wife?? Forceful drive to bug-her for no particular reason? Well, I do !!??!! Wives, do you find your husbands bugging you at times?

And what do I mean by bugging? ummm yeah, this maybe too broad. I would put forth my case, you all are welcome to express yours. Well, in my case, frankly, I myself cannot really define it... It's just that I want to bug her! Common initial symptom: I keep following her all over in the house! (Usually, it's the time when she is quite busy and I get this bug-her-attack!)

Next symptom, I start blabbering... and I expect her to respond attentively to all my stupid prattle! Other times, I maybe busy and working on a project with the dumb binary machine, I would want her to be in the same room, and continue doing whatever she was doing before! I would be all busy working and still bug her to be around in the same room!

Ofcourse, my dearmost smart wifey has figured out an excellent hubby-bug-squashing remedy. It has always successfully squashed my bug-her attack! She would give such a lovely smile, that beautiful innocent look... (aah she looks damn beautiful when she does that) and says: "Hubby ...!" And I can feel the alarming system somewhere deep-down in realms of my mind signalling activation. She continues "Would you do * for me?" or at other times "Macy's got flower-show and sale going on! Take me for shopping to Macy's this weekend..." [here '*' indicates any kind of work, which I would in normal circumstances refuse, but fall into trap when under the bug-her spell. Like for example laundry. I hate doing laundry. Laundry reminds me my bachelor days, when I *had* to do laundry after every 15-20 days. I hate it upto the extent, that I take the other way when I walk to-from subway station so as to avoid the road that has the laundromat!].

hmmm, so these days she's found powerful and highly effective remedy. My bug-her attacks have reduced drastically. But still at times, I foolishly take the risk and face consequences.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Some more ......

Well, I would like to continue further on my previous post about slumber. We have a very nice and friendly family as our neighbours. They have a kid, Aryan. He is the only kid. He is around 5-6 years of age. They have expressed it a couple of times. They sleep when Aryan sleeps and wake up when Aryan wakes up.

Am I right?

To all wives, who may have complains against their (*peaceful*) sleepy husbands and would love to disturb their husband's slumber, here's a sweet-funny incident, very nicely written and shared by anumita. Read...
It unfailingly reminds me of weekend afternoons. I try all sorts of evasive methods to convince my wife, that an afternoon nap (feasible only on weekends) does soooo good!!! she does everything possible to keep me awake. she hates me fall asleep on a weekend afternoon or anyday afternoon as a matter of fact. And oh yes, she has poured water, right on my face, to wake me up.
Infact, when my eyes start getting heavy on a lovely saturday or sunday afternoon and I start acting all heavy and lazy, she plainly expresses: "I am going to pour water!!" (Dare, you fall asleep!) And ofcourse, the water would be as cold as she can get!
And at other times, I wonder, how come I end up in a mall, exactly on weekend afternoons? She would shop and I would follow her around. hmmm.... I hope she misses this blog ;)

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Bheja Fry - Nimbu mar ke...

Some hilarious profiles reviewed! Read...

The phone call

Candid account of 'about to get married' bachelor going for an arranged marriage. Read...

Grad Memories ... Hilarious!

This blog is on a lighter vein for all Grad bachelors (especially for those who have to cook), its' a must to re-live those funny moments. Read all blogs referred as 'Evening in grad students' life'. Well, these experiences may not be akin only to grads, they can be rightfully extended to "all indian bachelors, away from home and sharing an appartment."

Friday, August 05, 2005

the spirit of my beloved bombay

Interesting accounts of personal confrontations against recent floods in Mumbai. Read ...


Everyone is Welcome to link, post their articles. Please mail me your article to be posted at shlok25_at_gmail_dot_com